AWS Lambda vs Google Cloud Functions

January 10, 2022

AWS Lambda vs Google Cloud Functions: Let's Get Ready to Rumble

Serverless computing has revolutionized the way we deploy and run applications. AWS Lambda and Google Cloud Functions are two of the top serverless computing platforms, and deciding between them can be a challenging task. In this blog post, we will compare AWS Lambda and Google Cloud Functions to help you make an informed decision.


AWS Lambda was introduced in 2014 and is one of the oldest and most popular serverless computing platforms. It supports multiple languages, including Node.js, Python, Java, and C#. On the other hand, Google Cloud Functions was launched in 2017 and focuses primarily on JavaScript/TypeScript and Node.js. It also supports Python, Go, and Java.


One of the essential factors to consider while choosing a serverless platform is pricing. AWS Lambda offers 1 million free requests per month and charges $0.20 per 1 million requests thereafter. On the other hand, Google Cloud Functions offers 2 million free requests per month and charges $0.40 per 1 million requests thereafter. AWS Lambda is cheaper for most use cases as it offers more free requests and a lower cost per additional request.


The performance of serverless functions can significantly impact the user experience. AWS Lambda provides a warm start, which means that if a function is called again within a short time frame, AWS reuses the existing instance of the function, reducing the cold start time. Google Cloud Functions doesn't have this feature and may take longer to load a function for the first time. However, Google Cloud Functions performs better than AWS Lambda in most cases, especially for smaller functions.

Integration and Deployment

Integrating and deploying serverless functions can be challenging, but both AWS Lambda and Google Cloud Functions provide extensive integration possibilities. However, AWS Lambda is preferred when it comes to integration with other AWS services, while Google Cloud Functions integrate seamlessly with Google's G suite of services. Deployment on both platforms is simple, and you can use tools like AWS CLI or Terraform for AWS Lambda and Firebase CLI or Google Cloud SDK for Google Cloud Functions.


Both AWS Lambda and Google Cloud Functions are excellent serverless computing platforms, and deciding between them depends on your specific needs. AWS Lambda is cheaper, suitable for integrating with other AWS services, and has a warm start feature, making it the ideal platform for most developers. On the other hand, Google Cloud Functions is more suited for small functions and integrates well with Google's suite of services.

So, who wins this battle? It depends on what you're looking for. We recommend you to try both and see what works best for your needs.


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